Perfect Paratha Recipe: A Step-by-Step Guide to Flaky and Flavorful Indian Flatbread


Paratha, a versatile and delicious Indian flatbread, is a staple in many households. Its flaky layers and rich taste make it an excellent accompaniment to various dishes or a satisfying snack on its own. Follow this step-by-step guide to master the art of making perfect parathas in your own kitchen.



2 cups whole wheat flour
Water (as needed)
Salt (to taste)
Ghee or oil (for cooking and brushing)
Optional fillings: potato, paneer, spinach, or mixed vegetables


Prepare the Dough:

In a large mixing bowl, combine whole wheat flour and a pinch of salt.

Gradually add water and knead the mixture into a soft, pliable dough. The consistency should be smooth but not sticky.

Let the dough rest for about 15-20 minutes, covered with a damp cloth.

Divide and Shape the Dough:

After resting, divide the dough into golf ball-sized portions.

Roll each portion between your palms to make a smooth, round ball.

Rolling the Paratha:

Dust a rolling surface with flour and roll out each ball into a thin, flat disc. Aim for a diameter of about 6-8 inches.

Optional Filling:

If desired, add a spoonful of your preferred filling (e.g., mashed potato, spiced paneer, or sautéed spinach) to the center of the rolled-out dough.

Fold and Seal:

Fold the edges of the rolled-out dough to cover the filling, creating a stuffed ball.

Roll it out again gently to flatten and evenly distribute the filling within the paratha.

Cooking the Paratha:

Heat a griddle or flat pan over medium-high heat. Place the rolled-out paratha on the hot surface.

Cook for about 1-2 minutes on each side, flipping when you see small bubbles forming.

Apply ghee or oil on both sides during the cooking process for a flaky and flavorful result.

Serve Hot:

Once cooked to a golden-brown color on both sides, remove the paratha from the pan.

Serve hot with your favorite accompaniments, such as yogurt, pickles, or a side of curry.


Experiment with different fillings and spices to create your own unique paratha variations.

If you prefer a lighter version, use oil instead of ghee for cooking.


Mastering the art of making perfect parathas is a delightful journey that adds a touch of tradition and flavor to your meals. Whether enjoyed with a savory filling or plain, these flaky delights are sure to become a favorite in your culinary repertoire.

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