Irresistible Butter Paratha Recipe: A Luxurious Twist to Classic Indian Flatbread


Butter paratha, with its indulgent layers and rich flavor, is a delightful variation of the traditional Indian flatbread. This recipe elevates the humble paratha to a new level of decadence by incorporating generous amounts of butter into the dough and during the cooking process. Follow this step-by-step guide to create butter parathas that melt in your mouth with every bite.



2 cups whole wheat flour
Water (as needed)
Salt (to taste)
Ghee (clarified butter) or unsalted butter (for the dough and cooking)
Optional: Chopped fresh coriander or mint for added flavor


Prepare the Dough:

In a large mixing bowl, combine whole wheat flour, a pinch of salt, and 2 tablespoons of melted ghee or butter.

Gradually add water and knead the mixture into a soft, smooth dough. Cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest for about 15-20 minutes.

Divide and Shape the Dough:

After the resting period, divide the dough into golf ball-sized portions.

Roll each ball between your palms to form a smooth, round shape.

Rolling the Butter Paratha:

Dust a rolling surface with flour and roll out each ball into a thin, flat disc. Aim for a diameter of 6-8 inches.

Brush a generous layer of melted ghee or butter over the rolled-out dough.

Optional Flavor Boost:

Sprinkle chopped fresh coriander or mint over the buttered surface for an additional burst of flavor.

Fold and Seal:

Fold the edges of the rolled-out dough to form a square or triangular shape. This helps to create layers and pockets of butter within the paratha.

Cooking the Butter Paratha:

Heat a griddle or flat pan over medium-high heat. Place the folded paratha on the hot surface.

Cook for about 1-2 minutes on each side, applying more ghee or butter as needed, until both sides are golden brown and crispy.

Serve Hot:

Once cooked to perfection, remove the butter paratha from the pan and serve it hot with your favorite accompaniments, such as yogurt, pickles, or a side of curry.


Adjust the amount of butter according to your preference for richness.

For a flakier texture, you can repeat the process of folding and rolling the dough before cooking.


Indulge in the luxurious goodness of butter paratha with this simple yet enticing recipe. Whether enjoyed as a standalone treat or paired with your favorite dishes, these buttery delights are sure to become a favorite on your dining table.

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