How to Make Delicious Chakalis: A Flavorful Indian Snack

Chakalis are a beloved traditional Indian snack known for their delightful crunch and aromatic spices. Originating from regions like Maharashtra and Gujarat, these spiral-shaped treats are often enjoyed during festivals and celebratory occasions. Creating these at home can be a rewarding culinary adventure. Let's delve into a step-by-step guide to prepare these scrumptious Chakalis!


Ingredients You'll Need:

Gram Flour (Besan): 2 cups
Rice Flour: 1 cup
Sesame Seeds: 2 tablespoons
Cumin Seeds: 1 tablespoon
Red Chili Powder: 1 teaspoon (adjust to taste)
Turmeric Powder: 1/2 teaspoon
Asafoetida (Hing): a pinch
Salt: to taste
Oil: for deep-frying
Water: as needed

Step-by-Step Preparation:

Preparing the Dough:In a mixing bowl, combine the gram flour, rice flour, sesame seeds, cumin seeds, red chili powder, turmeric powder, asafoetida, and salt.

Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly, ensuring an even distribution of spices.

Gradually add water to form a firm, smooth dough. The consistency should allow the dough to pass through the Chakali press easily.

Using the Chakali Press:

Heat oil in a deep pan for frying.

Fill the Chakali press with a portion of the prepared dough. Choose the disc with small holes for the spiral effect.

Press the dough onto a greased plate or directly into the hot oil in a spiral shape, working in a circular motion.

Keep the flame on medium heat and fry until the Chakalis turn golden brown and crisp.

Draining and Cooling:

Once done, remove the Chakalis from the oil and place them on absorbent paper to drain excess oil.

Allow them to cool completely before storing.

Tips for Perfect Chakalis:

Ensure the dough consistency is right; it should neither be too soft nor too firm.

Maintain a medium heat while frying to achieve an even, golden-brown color.

Store Chakalis in an airtight container to maintain their crispiness.

Enjoying Your Chakalis:

These crispy delights can be relished on their own or paired with a cup of hot tea. They are perfect for festive occasions, family gatherings, or as a snack to savor any time. Their unique spiral shape and rich flavors make them a hit among all age groups.

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